Easycutting Type A - straight lines and reticles - 116 x 215 mm
Easy Cutting Mat Type A - straight lines and reticles. Acrylic cutting mat with laser cut scribing lines. Perfect for scribing straight lines and reticles from masking tape or other thin materials. Only a fine knife is required for precise cutting. The template offers cutting lines in width of 1,0mm to 0,4mm (in steps of 0,1mm) and 5mm - 190mm in length (in steps of 5mm).
Size: 116 x 215mm
About the Easy Cutting Mat Typ A:
- Ideal zum schneiden von Linien und Quadraten
- Perfect for cutting lines and squares
- Can be used for masking-tapes, masking foils or other thin materials
- Cutting width: 1,0mm - 0,4mm - in steps of 0,1mm
- Cutting length: 5,0mm - 190mm - in steps of 5.0mm
- Size: 116mm x 215mm
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SKU: IT-3001V1
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